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What is Implantation- Signs and Symptoms of Implantation

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If you are planning to extend your family and get pregnant. You must know about Implantation; it is considered as one of the dramatic biological events in a woman’s life. You might not know much about implantation happening in your body. But some women feel some of the symptoms like cramping and bleeding. Now, if you are new to this term you might be wondering What is Implantation and What are the signs and symptoms of Implantation.

Implantation is not a small process; it has various stages before the Implantation becomes successful. It is not necessary that once you try the Implantation will be successful, and it can be a disappointment for someone who wants to get pregnant.

Well, there are some ways also through which, you can increase your chance of Implantation. Check out the blog to know everything about Implantation-

What is Implantation?

Implantation as the word makes it clear, it means the attachment of the fertilized egg to the lining of the uterus. An extremely important and natural process, which happens at an early stage of pregnancy. Implantation happens after a week of ovulation. Many women also experience Implantation Bleeding.

What are the Signs of Successful Implantation?

Just like every person is different, similarly every pregnancy is also different. There can be difference in signs and symptoms of Implantation. Listed below are some of the common Implantation signs-

1. Bleeding or Spotting-

When the embryo attaches itself to the uterine wall, there can be a little bleeding or spotting which is termed as Implantation Bleeding. This bleeding can be of pink colour and also it will last from few hours to two days.

2. Implantation Cramping

You may confuse it with Period cramping. However, Implantation Cramping are mild, less painful and may last for a couple of days. This cramping can also be seen in back and lower abdomen. If you feel the pain is unbearable, it is better to call a doctor.

3. Sore Breast-

Your Breasts are a sensitive part of your body. Any changes in the body, affects our breasts During Implantation, they go through changes like tenderness, soreness and swelling. All these changes occur due to the increased hormonal level after conception.

4. Change in Body Temperature-

During Implantation, the basal body temperature will be high. But high temperature does not mean that you are pregnant. Make a chart of your daily temperature and see if it is increasing. During ovulation, the temperature of the body remains high due to increased progesterone.

5. Fatigue and Tiredness-

Your body is changing and preparing itself to grow a baby. Due to the changes in hormones, you may feel more tired than usual and the reason of fatigue you can blame on the rise of progesterone and increased blood circulation.

6. Hot Flashes-

This is one of the inconsistent and less common sign. After implantation, hormones change rapidly, causing hot flashes. Hot flashes may last for about 15 minutes.

7. Cervical Mucus-

If the Implantation is successful, then there will be an increase in the progesterone level. This might trigger the cervix to swell and also increase the blood flow. As the hormones changes, the glands produce more Cervical mucus. And the mucus after implantation can contain some blood and make look pinkish or brownish in color.

8. Change in Appetite-

In Pregnancy, change in your taste and appetite is normal. You can have sudden liking to coffee, your desert or any other food item.

What are the Stages of Implantation?

After you have ovulated, Implantation occurs on the sixth or seventh day. There are three stages of Implantation which are-

  • First the embryo attaches itself to the uterine wall, this is the initial phase of the Implantation process called adplantation. At this stage, embryo is 5-6 days old.
  • Second stage, the egg which has been fertilized penetrates the uterine wall, so that it is secured in the uterus. This penetration process is called adhesion of the blastocyst to the endometrium.
  • Now, the final stage, when embryo embeds itself deep inside the uterine wall.

Ways to Improve chances of Implantation

It is not always necessary that Implantation succeeds. The day of the ovulation and four days before it, are the most fertile days in the cycle. Having unprotected sex on these days can increase your chances of getting pregnant and Implantation.

Well, you also can help your body to increase the chances of Implantation through following ways-

  • A Balanced Diet- Have a proper balanced and nutritious diet. Spending a healthy lifestyle will help to increase your chances of Implantation.

Eat more Fiber-rich food that increases estrogen level, metabolism and digestion. Green leafy vegetable, Kale, Ground flax seeds, nuts, whole grains etc.

  • Take Proper Rest- It is very necessary that you take proper and good rest. Waiting for the pregnancy test to turn positive may make you anxious and all stressed out. Having a healthy work environment is very necessary-

Go to sleep early and take power nap in day.

Avoid heavy exercises, instead start brisk walking and switch to yoga.

Take care of your womb, and invite baby to stay in it.

Try to get massage, go for outing etc.

  • Have Faith- It is very necessary for you to have faith in yourself. Believe that you will get pregnant and have a healthy child. A small amount of negative thoughts can interfere with the hormonal balance.

What is Ovulation and Implantation Timing?

Ovulation and Implantation are two separate things. Implantation happens when an egg is fertilized and attached deep to the uterine wall and starts to grow. Now, Implantation totally depends on the Ovulation days and Ovulation days depends on the menstrual cycle which is different for everyone.

Ovulation happens 14 days before the menstruation, and egg is released and waits for 24 hours to get fertilized. When the egg is not fertilized, it matures and breaks down which causes the menstruation.

If there is a sperm, to fertilize the egg then they meet in the fallopian tube. Sperm breaks all the barrier around the egg and fertilize it. The fertilized egg travels to the uterus. And then the Implantation occurs between 6-10 days after the egg is fertilized.

If your cycle length is of 28 days, then Ovulation day is on Day 14 and Implantation day is between 20-24 days.

If the cycle length is of 30 days, then Ovulation day is on Day 16 and Implantation day is between 22-26 days.

So, above are some of the facts regarding Implantation and how you can increase your chances of getting a successful Implantation. Prepare your body by having a healthy lifestyle and if any doubt, consult the doctor. Implantation is just the first process of Pregnancy; it is not necessary that you feel any signs or symptoms regarding it.

Did you know these things about Implantation?


1. How long does Implantation Cramping last?

Implantation cramping lasts for just 5 minutes. In some cases, it may last for less than 5 minutes to even two days.

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Dr Ritu Agarwal

Dr. Ritu Agarwal is an appreciated IVF expert in Jaipur for IVF therapy, owing to her more than ten years of experience in this field. She is the top IVF specialist in Jaipur who makes every attempt to provide correct counseling and emotional support to patients in order to help them find the ideal solution for becoming parents. She can assist you at our IVF center in Jaipur whether you are younger than 35 with a track record of miscarriages or are over 40 with a low AMH. Contact us to find out how Dr. Ritu can assist you with infertility therapy!

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