Geeting Pregnant After 35 Statistics And Risk Factors

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Many women try for a baby after they have reached age 35. Well, there is nothing wrong with trying for a baby after the age of 35, you just need to know about the risk and complications involved in pregnant after 35 statistics and why is it more difficult to get pregnant after 35

There are many women who want to start their family late or they have been trying for some years and have reached the age of 35. Always think of starting a family when you are ready. Let’s understand more about what happens to our body after 35 and also let’s clear up some myths which we have always been listening to.

Check out the blog to understand why is it more difficult to get pregnant after 35 statistics and risk.

What happens to our body after 35?

Females are born with a lifetime of eggs i.e. around 1-2 million eggs they have at birth. As you hit puberty you are left with around 3 lakh eggs. With each period you lose some of your precious eggs. So, if your period started from age 12, and every time you lose around 500 eggs, till the age of 52 you are left with very few good eggs. As you hit 30, your biological clock starts ticking, and some of the good-quality eggs are getting mature with every cycle.

After 35, your body consists of more chromosomal defects that affect the viability of the eggs.

Pregnancy in the Early ’20s (20-24)

During this age cycle, a woman beholds the magic window for getting pregnant and making a baby. At this time 90% of the eggs are chromosomally normal, which increases the chances of having a normal and healthy baby. A woman’s fertility peaks at the age of 24.

When you are under age 25, there is a 96% chance of conceiving in a year. If your partner is also below age 25, then the chances may drop to 92% as in smaller age the fertility issue is mostly towards the man’s side.

Pregnancy in the Mid-Late ’20s (25-29)

From age 25-29, your body has 86% chance of conceiving after you have tried for a year. Also, the chances of your miscarriage increase to 10%. So, keep trying for a year, you will get good news.

Pregnancy in Early 30’s (30-34)

There is a myth that pregnancy after 30 is complicated. But your odds of getting pregnant till 34 are still high. If you try continuously for a month chances are, you will get good news in a year. It’s just that the chances of your miscarriage also increases to 20% in this age group.

Pregnancy in Mid-Late 30’s (35-39)

Your chances of getting pregnant in this age group have decreased to 78%. 35 is the age and peak point where fertility starts decreasing. The quality of your egg at 35 decreases rapidly. Though you may have plenty of eggs left in your basket, now the chances of chromosomal defects increase more.

So, if you already have planned for late pregnancy, it will be a good option to freeze your eggs and use them later in your life when you are prepared.

Myths about pregnant after 35 statistics

1. Women can’t get pregnant after age 35-

Pregnancy depends on only two things your eggs and a sperm to fertilize those eggs. As long as you have eggs in your body you can get pregnant. Agreed! That the process of conceiving can be a little complex especially after 35.

When you are born, you get the lifetime eggs stored in a fluid-filled sphere called a follicle. Out of them, only 300-500 eggs are being used for ovulation in your whole lifetime. So, still, you have some eggs left after 35. Till the time you have eggs in your body to fertilize, conceiving is possible. It may take some time, but you need to be patient.

2. You cannot increase your chances of getting pregnant-

There are many ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant. You cannot produce more eggs, but you can try to increase the possibility of getting pregnant. Following are the ways in which you can increase our chances of getting pregnant-

  • Start eating healthy with all the fruits and vegetables.
  • Cut back on caffeine, alcohol, and smoking.
  • Start fertility yoga.
  • Take an in-home fertility test.
  • Start taking some of the supplements which can improve egg health.

3. After age 35, chances of having a healthy baby is slim-

After 35, your period does not stop, so chances of conceiving a healthy baby also exist. Every month during ovulation time, your body decides which eggs to release and it chooses the best one. So, after a few years, you are left with only a few eggs but which are not healthy quality-wise. After 35, you have a .002% chance of a pregnancy resulting in down syndrome.

As the mother’s age increases, the risk of chromosomal abnormality also increases.

4. IVF is not for women aged 35-

IVF is the medical advanced method of getting pregnant. If you have been trying to get pregnant for a while and still, there is no result. Instead, of waiting for long you can go for IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization), which involves extracting the eggs, fertilizing them with sperm in a lab, and then implanting them in the woman’s body. It is one effective way to bear a child.

So, above are some of the complications and truth about getting pregnant after 35. Still if after trying for a year, you feel there is no result, it is better to consult the doctor.

When are you planning for a kid?

Dr Ritu Agarwal

Dr. Ritu Agarwal is an appreciated IVF expert in Jaipur for IVF therapy, owing to her more than ten years of experience in this field. She is the top IVF specialist in Jaipur who makes every attempt to provide correct counseling and emotional support to patients in order to help them find the ideal solution for becoming parents. She can assist you at our IVF center in Jaipur whether you are younger than 35 with a track record of miscarriages or are over 40 with a low AMH. Contact us to find out how Dr. Ritu can assist you with infertility therapy!

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