Most Common Pregnancy Infection That Affect Your Baby

Pregnancy Infection that affect your baby

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It is truly said for pregnant women that what mother eats, baby eats. Mother’s mood becomes baby mood and also mother’s infection gets transferred to the baby. Pregnancy is one amazing yet risky phase, as the mother is susceptible to certain infections. Infections during pregnancy can be more severe and worse. During pregnancy your immune system becomes weak, or you can say it changes itself and is more concerned for the baby’s health. But still, there are some pregnancy infections that affect your baby and you should be aware of them.

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1. Trichomoniasis-

One of the most common and curable sexually transmitted diseases is caused by a parasite. It can cause foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Pregnant women suffering from this infection have a risk of delivering a premature baby.

Symptoms of Trichomoniasis

  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
  • Genital itching
  • Painful urination

Prevention from Trichomoniasis

  • Keep the hygiene
  • Don’t let the intimate area be wet
  • Wear cotton underwear
  • Keep yourself hydrated

Trichomoniasis Treatment-

Your doctor will prescribe you oral antibiotics.

2. Bacterial Vaginosis-

One in every 5 pregnant women suffers from Bacterial Vaginosis. This is an itchy, irritating infection that occurs due to the overgrowth of bacteria. The bacteria causing BV already lives in our vagina. During pregnancy, if you suffer from BV, chances are the baby will bear early or with low weight. In normal cases, women suffering from BV can lead to infertility or pelvic inflammatory disease.

Symptoms of BV-

  • Greyish-white discharge
  • Pain during urination
  • Itching around vagina

Prevention from BV-

  • Do not sit around the wet bathing suits. Always put on a clean underwear
  • Wear comfortable cotton pajamas. Avoid tight pantyhose.
  • Sleep without underwear to avoid any risk of infection
  • Avoid using bath oil- it can trap bacteria.

BV Treatment-

Sometimes BV goes away on its own. If you are in your first trimester, then the doctor may wait until your second trimester for it to go away. Doctors can also prescribe some antibiotics to deal with BV.

3. Uterine Infection-

Another dangerous infection after BV. Uterine infection may affect the placenta and harm the developing baby. It can cause premature delivery, or lead to birth abnormalities. Uterine infections can make labor difficult and dangerous. Therefore, it should be treated as fast as possible.

Symptoms of Uterine Infection

  • Pain in your lower abdomen and pelvis
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Fever sometimes chills also.

Prevention from Uterine Infection

  • Take no stress
  • Include yogurt in your diet
  • Keep yourself dry and clean
  • Practice good hygiene

Uterine Infection Treatment

You can take antibiotics to treat it. If the symptoms are severe, it may require hospitalization.

3. Pregnancy yeast infection treatment

Yeast infection is very common in women. And during pregnancy, you become at ease to catch this infection. There is a fungus that naturally lives in your vagina when the pH level of the vagina gets disturbed it give you the yeast infection. You can catch this infection while giving birth or while having intercourse.

Symptoms of Yeast Infection-

Following are the symptoms of Yeast Infection

  • Pain and itching in the vagina
  • Redness and swelling of the vagina
  • Discomfort during sex
  • Burning while urinating

Prevention from Yeast Infection

  • Wear cotton underwear, which allows the air to pass
  • Sleep without underwear to avoid any kind of infection
  • Keep yourself well hydrated
  • Urinate regularly to eliminate any infection-causing bacteria
  • Consume carbohydrates and whole grains to decrease the environment for infection

Yeast Infection Treatment

The doctor will prescribe you a tube or a vagina wash, which will help to balance the pH level.

4. Group B Strep (GBS) –

GBS is an infection caused by a common bacterium. It is not harmful in adults but can pose a threat in newborns and babies. GBS is a bacteria living in the intestinal tract, vagina, or rectum.

GBS Symptoms-

The symptoms of GBS are the same as UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). You may feel a burning sensation during urination and also a sudden urge to pee.

GBS Treatment-

If you are tested positive for GBS, doctors will give you a set of antibiotics during delivery, so that your baby is not affected by the infection.

GBS Prevention-

Till now, researchers have not been able to find a preventive measure for GBS.

How To Avoid infection during pregnancy

Every mother wants the best for her baby and wants to protect him from any unwanted infections. There are some ways through which you can take care that infection does not reach you.

  1. Always wash your hands and maintain a good hygiene
  2. Do not eat raw meat. Always cook it properly before eating meat. Also try to avoid hot dogs, luncheon meats, and deli meats.
  3. Do not consume unpasteurized (raw) milk. Try to avoid eating soft cheese such as brie, feta, and queso fresco.
  4. Keep the information about vaccinations.
  5. Get tested for STIs- sexually transmitted infections
  6. Do not touch or change dirty cat litter
  7. Stay away from wild rodents like lizards, turtles
  8. Be concerned about the insects carrying viruses.

It is very necessary to take care of your health as the baby’s health depends on your health. Above are the infections which you need to stay clear from. Be in touch with your doctor and discuss the infections in detail.

Dr Ritu Agarwal

Dr. Ritu Agarwal is an appreciated IVF expert in Jaipur for IVF therapy, owing to her more than ten years of experience in this field. She is the top IVF specialist in Jaipur who makes every attempt to provide correct counseling and emotional support to patients in order to help them find the ideal solution for becoming parents. She can assist you at our IVF center in Jaipur whether you are younger than 35 with a track record of miscarriages or are over 40 with a low AMH. Contact us to find out how Dr. Ritu can assist you with infertility therapy!

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