Being pregnant comes with a huge responsibility, the first and foremost is to take care of yourself and your baby. Miscarriage is one of the serious and most common complications which occur in the early stages of pregnancy. Miscarriage is also defined as spontaneous abortion, which means the loss of the fetus before 20 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnant women must know about the early signs of pregnancy miscarriage.
Miscarriage can happen during the first trimester or first three months of the pregnancy. There are a variety of reasons which cause miscarriage, and some of them are not in the person’s control. But being aware of the signs and causes of miscarriage can help us prevent it.
This blog is all about how to know whether you had a miscarriage, first signs of miscarriage, early signs of pregnancy miscarriage what happens when you have a miscarriage, etc.
Check out the blog-
Symptoms of miscarriage in early pregnancy
The first questions arise is – How do you know if you had a miscarriage? Pregnant women must understand the signs of miscarriage. Every woman should be aware of the early signs of pregnancy miscarriage.
- Heavy spotting
- Vaginal bleeding
- Discharge of tissue or fluid from the vagina
- Severe abdominal pain
- Mild to severe back pain
- Weight loss
- Contractions
- Feeling faint or lightheaded
If you are pregnant and witness any of the above symptoms, contact your doctor as soon as possible
What’s causes miscarriage?
The reason for miscarriage is different for different people. Every case is different from others. Let us understand some of the causes of miscarriage-
- Placental problems– Placenta is an important part of pregnancy, as it connects the baby from the mother. If the placenta develops abnormally, it hinders the growth of the baby causing miscarriage.
- Chromosome problems– Early miscarriage at four weeks or in the first trimester are the result of this problem. Sometimes, a fetus can receive a wrong number of chromosomes which makes the abnormal development of the fetus.
- Womb Structure abnormalities– Sometimes the shape of the wombs and the development of fibroids in the womb, puts the fetus at risk.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome– Many women suffer from PCOS, this causes hormonal imbalance in the body as in this case the ovaries are too big.
- Weakened cervix– The cervix is considered as the neck of the womb. When the muscles covering the cervix are weakened, they get open up very easily during pregnancy, which results in miscarriage.
- Lifestyle factor– This is one of the major causes of miscarriage. Habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs all this can lead to miscarriage.
What are the different types of miscarriages?
There are many different types of miscarriage depending on the symptoms and the stage of your pregnancy.
- Complete Miscarriage: This happens when the embryo or products of conception have emptied your uterus and there is nothing left in it. Bleeding will subside quickly and also the pain or cramping. Complete Miscarriage can be detected only by having an ultrasound.
- Threatened Miscarriage: In this miscarriage, the pregnancy gets continued. It happens during the early weeks of pregnancy. It is accompanied by cramping or lower backache. The cervix remains closed in this type of miscarriage. A miscarriage without bleeding.
- Incomplete Miscarriage: This miscarriage is accompanied by Abdominal or back pain, bleeding with an open cervix. This miscarriage is inevitable when there is a rupture of the membrane. Some of the tissue and placental material have gone, but some still remain in the body.
- Septic Miscarriage: This miscarriage happens, when there is an infection in the uterus.
- Recurrent Miscarriage: This miscarriage is defined as three or more miscarriages during the first trimester of the pregnancy. This type of pregnancy affects only 1% of the couple in the world and is the early miscarriage at 4 weeks.
- Missed Miscarriage: There is some type of miscarriages that happens and women do not even know about it. It involves the death of an embryo but there is no expulsion of it. The only signs of this miscarriage are the loss of pregnancy symptoms and the absence of fetal heart tones in Ultrasound.
How can I reduce my risk of miscarriage?
Having a miscarriage is not a common thing, but one should always take care of the baby. Pregnancy is a very delicate phase, carrying a living baby inside you is a huge responsibility. So, to prevent the miscarriage take care of following things-
- Get regular prenatal care throughout your pregnancy.
- Avoid smoking, drinking, and drugs as soon as you know you are pregnant.
- Maintain a healthy weight before and after pregnancy.
- Do not skip your medicines.
- Have a healthy and balanced diet.
- Limit the amount of caffeine to 200 mg per day.
- Always stay clean, keep washing your hands, and stay away from sick people.
- Do not stress and always be happy.
How do you know Miscarriage or a Period?
Many times, women get confused between miscarriage and period. As both of them involves bleeding and cramping. So, how to distinguish if it is a miscarriage or just a period-
- Symptoms– High back pain or abdominal pain, with the discharge of fluids and large clots, indicates it is a miscarriage.
- Time–If the miscarriage happens at the early stage of pregnancy, it gets mistaken as a period. But as eight weeks of pregnancy pass by, and then if there is a sign of bleeding. It is a miscarriage.
- Duration of Symptoms– The symptoms of miscarriage gets worse with time and also lasts longer.
Miscarriage Treatment
Miscarriage treatment depends on the type of miscarriage you have. It is necessary to remove all the previous pregnancy tissue present in your body. If you have had a complete miscarriage, that means no pregnancy tissue is left in your body, in this case, you won’t need any treatment.
There are three types of treatment for miscarriage-
- Expectant Management– In this, you wait, for the tissues to pass naturally from your body.
- Medical Management– This involves taking some kind of medications so that the remaining tissues get to pass by.
- Surgical Management– In this, the remaining tissues are removed surgically.
How To Get Pregnant After Miscarriage?
Having a miscarriage is a very big and saddened thing in anyone’s life. But we must move on with life. Before thinking of getting pregnant again, you must recover physically and mentally from the trauma of losing a baby.
- Physical Recovery– Your body’s recovery depends on how far did you reach in your pregnancy and what was the cause of your miscarriage. After a miscarriage, you might experience a little spotting and abdominal discomfort.
You will start getting periods again in four to six weeks. Avoid having sex or using tampons up to two weeks after having a miscarriage.
- Mental Recovery- It is very normal to experience a large number of emotions after miscarriage. Afterall you lost a baby and that is a very big thing. So, you can experience things like-
- Trouble sleeping
- Low energy
- Frequent crying
Take your own time to get over with your loss, visit your friends or doctor if needed. You can try doing the following things to recover from the loss mentally:
- Reach out to your family or friends, they may not understand your feelings but they will help you for sure.
- Engage is a symbolic gesture, some women plant a tree or wear a piece of special jewelry in remembrance.
- Seek counseling from a therapist.
- Join an in-person or online support group to talk with others, who have gone through the same experience.
- Getting Pregnant- After you have recovered physically and mentally, and are over your miscarriage. You and your partner can think of getting pregnant again. Yes, moving on from miscarriage is necessary and the best thing to do.
It is a good choice to go and consult a doctor, before engaging in getting pregnant again. Your doctor may ask you for following tests before he can advise you to try again-
- Blood tests
- Ultrasounds
- Pelvic and uterine exams
- Chromosome tests
So, above are the early signs of pregnancy miscarriage and causes, prevention, and treatment. Agreed!
That miscarriage is serious and heartbreaking. But, we need to cope up and move on in life. Always remember there is positive in every bad thing that occurs. So take care of yourself. You are Blessed!